


Anxiety services offered in McLean, VA

Anxiety is a crucial coping mechanism for surviving daily life, but when fear and worry get overwhelming, anxiety can transform into a debilitating mental health disorder. At Verathy in McLean, Virginia, Laura Granato, PhD, LPC, and a team of clinicians help people with excessive daily anxiety and anxiety disorders restore balance and return to an enjoyable life without constant dread. Call the office or use online booking if you have questions or need to schedule a telehealth consultation for help overcoming anxiety.

How do I know when I need help for anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response when you’re under stress, face a worrisome event (like a first date or giving a speech), or find yourself in a dangerous situation.

That type of daily anxiety is beneficial because it physically activates your body, giving you the energy and focus needed to manage the problem. Then, your anxiety disappears as soon as you deal with the situation.

Unfortunately, anxiety can get out of balance, turning into an ongoing problem that causes stress even if you don’t face a known or pending event.

Persistent anxiety affects your mental and physical health and makes people change their daily routines to avoid anxiety-provoking circumstances.

When anxiety becomes overwhelming or constant, it’s time to seek help from the experienced therapists at Verathy.

Could I have an anxiety disorder?

People with ongoing anxiety may have an anxiety disorder, such as:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Specific phobias
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Separation anxiety disorder

Though children frequently develop separation anxiety disorder, this condition also affects adults.

What symptoms does anxiety cause?

Worry, fear, and dread define anxiety. But when you’re anxious, you can have many physical and emotional symptoms. Here are a few examples:

  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Excessive sweating

Anxiety causes panic attacks in some people. A panic attack develops rapidly, causing dizziness, chest pain, and difficulty breathing.

How is anxiety treated?

Your Verathy therapist completes an evaluation, learning about your symptoms, when you feel anxious, and how it affects your daily life. They customize your treatment based on the cause and severity of your symptoms and whether you have an anxiety disorder.

Talk therapy is an essential treatment for anxiety. Evidence-based therapies (treatments proven to work) help patients identify and change negative thoughts feeding their anxiety and face the source of their fear.

Your Verathy therapist may recommend holistic therapies that help you overcome anxiety, such as stress reduction techniques, mind-body activities like yoga, and improving your diet.

Moderate to severe anxiety may need medication management to reduce your intense feelings. However, you can develop a dependence on anti-anxiety medications. For this reason, they’re a temporary solution primarily used to treat intense symptoms like panic attacks.

Don’t let anxiety affect your life. Call Verathy or request an anxiety evaluation online today. Their telehealth services are available to patients living throughout Virginia, Maryland, and DC.