
Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Family Therapy services offered in McLean, VA

Maintaining family harmony in the face of persistent conflict, broken trust, and intense emotions and behaviors is hard, if not impossible. When you need help overcoming family challenges, you can turn to Laura Granato, PhD, LPC, and the caring clinicians at Verathy in McLean, Virginia. They offer expert guidance and compassionate support to help families rebuild relationships and restore family unity. Don’t wait to take the first step toward family healing. You can schedule a virtual telehealth consultation by calling the office or using the online booking feature today. 

What is family therapy?

Family therapy focuses on identifying and overcoming family challenges while supporting individual needs.

The exceptional Verathy therapists offer family therapy to everyone sharing the same living space. Everyone in a household, whether or not they’re related, can cause or be affected by family decisions, activities, and conflicts.

When should we seek family therapy?

Most families (or some members) know they need therapy because they can’t find a solution to their current problems. 

They may try different approaches to overcoming conflict before realizing they need guidance, or the challenges can be so severe that they immediately know they need professional support.

You may consider therapy when family members:

  • Stop communicating
  • Use negative or destructive communication
  • Criticize and blame one another
  • Engage in emotional or physical abuse
  • Isolate themselves or ignore other family members
  • Don’t let individuals pursue their dreams and goals

Family therapy can also help when one person in the family has a mental health disorder or uses drugs and alcohol.

What problems can family therapy improve?

The caring Verathy therapists can address all the abovementioned concerns during your family therapy sessions. They also have years of experience helping families with many issues, including:

  • Parent-child conflict
  • Sibling conflict
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Behavioral problems
  • Trouble at school
  • Substance misuse
  • Becoming a step-family
  • Divorce or separation
  • Major life transitions like moving, divorce, and loss of a loved one
  • Mental health disorders in one (or more) family members

Family interactions and daily life are profoundly affected when one person struggles with a mental health disorder. 

As you move forward with family therapy, your therapist may suggest that some members have individual therapy to deal with their personal emotional, behavioral, and mental problems.

What should we expect during family therapy?

After you’re matched with a therapist who’s a good fit for your family, the therapist learns about your issues and conflicts, works with you to define therapy goals, and recommends a treatment plan to meet those goals.

Their clinicians have extensive training and experience in many types of family therapy. No matter their approach, they focus on resolving conflicts and teaching positive, practical solutions your family can use in daily life.

Call Verathy or connect through online booking to schedule an initial consultation and begin family therapy today. Their services are available via telehealth to families living throughout Virginia, Maryland, and DC.